“Science fiction is about what could happen but isn’t, fantasy is about what couldn’t be”. This quote of Arthur C Clarke explains the basic point of difference between the two genres, fantasy and science fiction. Besides the elementary difference that you might pick up from a google search, it is imperative to understand how the story is structured and written in fantasy vs in science fiction. The possibility and the impossibility creates a difference between them. They are extremely similar in capacities but highly different by the possibilities of it happening. The goal is one of the differences between ‘what if‘, which describes fantasy and divides our world against a world that could be. For instance, The Lord of the Rings, a world full of elves and trolls and hobbits is known as the middle earth. The races are far superior to humans but successfully engaged their readers in the story. The characters also differ when it comes to these two. Sci-fi deals with characters that ar...